
2022 Season 

Our objective is to build Incredible people and athletes. We will provide training that will develop the players skill level, improve volleyball I.Q, and build confidence.


We are passionate about winning but we do not measure success by how many trophies we hoist. We measure our ultimate success by how we empower players to find their worth and understand the value of their voice. Do they embrace the core concepts of CRUSH, Coachable. Respectful. Uplifting. Sportsmanship. Hustle?


At this level of club volleyball, it is important to understand the dues guarantee equal training opportunities for all players as described above. It does not guarantee equal playing time in tournaments. Coaches will use their best judgement to play players as needed to win the match for the team.


By accepting a role on this team, you agree to abide by the club rules and NTR Parent/Player Code of Conduct. Automated payments must be setup using our payment service partial.ly and minimum payment must be made once per month. You are responsible for addional expenses outside of what is expressly stated here. Including but not llimited to family travel, family hotel, and additional training. You also understand that all monies that are paid are non-refundable with the exception of season-ending shutdown due to force majeure. With regards to season ending injury, we recommend purchasing an optional season insurance policy. If the season ends early due to force majeure, we will refund/reduce fees based on the following. All payments for fall training, gym rental, uniforms, and overhead will need to be paid in its entirety. We will reduce/refund the fees for coaching, tournament expenses, and performance training per these dates: Dec 1 shutdown 90% deducted, Jan 1 shutdown 80% deduction, Feb 1 shutdown 60% deduction, Mar 1 shutdown 40% deduction, Apr 1 shutdown 20% deduction.

What is Incredible




